October 27, 2023

Trader Joe's Double Chocolate Croissants Review

Trader Joe's Double Chocolate Croissants package

Do you ever see something new at Trader Joe's and make an audible gasp? Well, that was me when I came upon an employee unpacking a box of these Double Chocolate Croissants. 

Trader Joe's Double Chocolate Croissants, baked - flaky layers and chocolate

That's right - the croissants are filled with chocolate, AND the pastry dough is chocolate!!! WHAT. 

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Trader Joe's Double Chocolate Croissants baked on cookie sheet
Trader Joe's Double Chocolate Croissant on white plate with gingham paper napkin

You'll find Trader Joe's Double Chocolate Croissants in the freezer section. They come four to a box and cost $5.49. The package copy reads, "Chocolate Croissant Dough filled with Semi-Sweet Chocolate."

Trader Joe's Double Chocolate Croissants baking instructions

The croissants thaw and rise on the counter overnight. When we attended a croissant-making class last year, it was exactly what they recommended for making croissants at home. The only trick is - remembering to take them out of the freezer the night before.

Trader Joe's Double Chocolate Croissants, pre and post rise

Here, you can see the croissants fresh out of the freezer and after their overnight rise. It's incredible how much they rise!

Trader Joe's Double Chocolate Croissants nutrition label info

Trader Joe's Double Chocolate Croissants ingredients list

One croissant is 340 calories. Ingredients include unbleached flour, butter, semisweet chocolate, vanilla, and cocoa powder. 

Double Chocolate recipes to make at home:

Trader Joe's Double Chocolate Croissants with bite on white plate

Trader Joe's Double Chocolate Croissants Review

She says (Bridget): Oh. My. Word. Yesssssssssssss! The crispy exterior, the flaky layers inside, the chocolate! This is heaven. The chocolate inside is just the right amount to be decadent but not sloppy. Utter perfection. Going forward, I will expect every bakery I visit to offer double chocolate croissants.
Overall rating: 5 out of 5 stars

He says (Mark): These are AWESOME. That's my one-sentence review. I'll add this: I highly recommend. 
Overall rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Will we buy these again? Yes...we already have. We're having them again while our son is visiting tomorrow! 

Trader Joe's Double Chocolate Croissants, side view

Trader Joe's Double Chocolate Croissants: BUY THEM. 



  1. So, who gets the extra one, hmmmmmm? They do look decadent :))

  2. I loved Trader Joe's - but at age 91, I am partly disabled and homebound. Trader Joe's (unlike supermarkets and delis) does not deliver. So, I must do without. Could I and similarly situated people convince Trader Joe's to join the 21st century and DELIVER?


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