July 5, 2023

Trader Joe's Vegan Creamy Dill Dressing Review

Trader Joe's Vegan Creamy Dill Dressing, bottle, in bowl, and plate of cucumbers

You'll find this bottle of Trader Joe's Vegan Creamy Dill Dressing refrigerated in the produce department. 

Trader Joe's Vegan Creamy Dill Dressing bottle

On the front of the bottle, the copy calls out a few key ingredients: cauliflower, almond butter, garlic, cold-pressed lemon juice, herbs, and shallots. 

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Trader Joe's Vegan Creamy Dill Dressing nutrition label

From the side of the bottle, "...ideal for dressing salads and to use as a dip."

Trader Joe's Vegan Creamy Dill Dressing ingredients

An 11-ounce bottle costs $3.99. A two-tablespoon serving has 60 calories. 

Salad recipes we love: 

Trader Joe's Vegan Creamy Dill Dressing, cucumber sliced dipped in dressing, drip

Trader Joe's Vegan Creamy Dill Dressing Review

She says (Bridget): This is a little of a mixed bag, er, bottle. We tried this on two salads and also as a dip. The dressing itself is tasty, if a bit runny. I don't think it lives up to the "creamy" moniker. Just because cauliflower is white doesn't make it creamy. (While we're at it, it also isn't rice.) Taste-wise, it's good but a little bland. It's nice for dipping veggies like cucumbers and tomatoes but was overpowered by a cracker. There's not enough OOMPH in the dressing to stand up to a salad. The flavors in the dressing are just too subdued. 
Overall rating: 
2.5 out of 5 stars as a dressing
3.5 out of 5 stars as a veggie dip

He says (Mark): Love the ingredients list - it reads like a Who's Who of produce I enjoy: cauliflower, garlic, parsley, shallot, chives, etc. The creamy texture has a bit of potato-soup-like feel. The color and visual appeal are excellent. I'm sorry to say that I didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped. The dressing does not stand out in the flavor department ("….paging the manager…low-tastiness on aisle 5"). While I always taste before adding pepper and salt to my food, this needed too much to boost it to my liking.
Overall rating: 2 out of 5 stars

Trader Joe's Vegan Creamy Dill Dressing in a bowl for dipping with sliced cucumbers

Will we buy this again? No. We'll try another!

Trader Joe's Vegan Creamy Dill Dressing: Not a hit. I (Bridget) blame the cauliflower. 



  1. I found this dressing to be a godsend. It is perfect for those of us who have to watch the sodium and can’t have dairy. By careful living I have not over salted my taste buds and killed them like so many tv cooks I see. You can always add salt but you can’t get rid of it.

  2. I was surprised to read the comments, years ago the discontinued lemon dill sauce was amazing, I guess I'll have to try this one.


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