July 15, 2023

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups Review

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups package

We have another brother and sister review for you today. In a world of Reese's, will kids like Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups? Let's find out!

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups, with bite, kid hands with chipped nail polish

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups cost $4.49 for a 16-ounce package. For comparison, a 17.6-ounce bag of mini Reese's Peanut Butter cups costs $7.69 at Target.

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Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups nutrition label and ingredients

The description on the package reads, "creamy peanut butter covered in dark chocolate." 

Peanut Butter Cup Recipes that we recommend:

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups, two with aqua plate and kids hands
Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups  in hands

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups Review

He says (brother N, age 12): These peanut butter cups are surprisingly good and are comparable to even Reese's cups and other successful brands. The peanut butter filling is soft and creamy, and it is compatible with the dark chocolate. On the other hand, the chocolate would be too strong if not for the peanut butter inside. They are also the perfect size for a small snack. Also, this snack comes with miniature cupcake wrappers to remove before eating. The entire box of chocolates is about five dollars, which is a great deal for how much chocolate you are getting. In one box, there are thirty-six cups which is equivalent to one pound of treats! The quality of these makes them a snack I would happily eat again.
Overall rating: 5 out of 5 stars

She says (sister B, age 8):  Wow. I love these peanut butter dark chocolate cups so much for so many reasons. One of the reasons, however, is that the dark chocolate is not too overpowering, and combined with the smooth, creamy peanut butter, it creates an unbelievably good flavor. May I also mention that these peanut butter cups cost only $4.49 for a whole pound of cups? That's an extremely good price. I would recommend this snack to you: It can be used in many ways, eating the dark chocolate cups plain or putting them on another dessert. 
Overall rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups with bite

Will they buy them again?

(N): These peanut butter cups are very delicious while also being inexpensive, so I would absolutely recommend buying these as a special treat.
(B): I would certainly buy this snack again. You can eat it as a special treat or just as a regular daily snack.

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups: 
Ding! Ding! Ding! Another double 5-star item from Trader Joe's! A must-buy!



  1. Hi all!

    So glad you reviewed these peanut butter cups! They are the same ones that TJs sells in a small package of 10 for 99 cents, usually around the checkout lines. I've been getting them for quite a while since just one of those cups satisfies my sweet tooth just fine. Saw the large container and tried to compare prices but I couldn't count how many were in there so thanks very much for providing that number. I think they are better than Reese's but that's just because these have dark chocolate.

    Love reading all your reviews!!!

  2. Yay! This awesome brother and sister duo have already surpassed our reviewing skills. And we're so happy they both loved 'em -- these are literally our favorite PB cups of all time!


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