June 8, 2023

Trader Joe's Organic Toasted Coconut Granola Review

Trader Joe's Organic Toasted Coconut Granola package

Looking for a gluten-free granola? Trader Joe's offers this Organic Toasted Coconut Granola touted as a "...crisp & crunchy combination of rolled oats, cornflakes, sprouted quinoa, almonds & toasted coconut chips."

Trader Joe's Organic Toasted Coconut Granola in bowl with spoon

A 12-ounce bag costs $3.99. 

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Trader Joe's Organic Toasted Coconut Granola ingredients

Trader Joe's Organic Toasted Coconut Granola nutrition label

The main ingredients in the mix are organic oats, coconut flakes, toasted almonds, and cornflakes

Recipes if you have granola on the brain:

Trader Joe's Organic Toasted Coconut Granola being poured into bowl

Trader Joe's Organic Toasted Coconut Granola Review

She says (sister B, age 8): This coconut granola was not something I would crave, though I still did quite enjoy the flavor combinations. The granola itself was healthy, unlike other granolas I've seen. The coconut complimented the oats and cornflakes as well. My only downside is that the granola was a bit dry, and the taste wasn't very strong, which made the granola a bit bland.
Overall rating: 3 of 5 stars

He says (brother N, age 12): This granola mix is an interesting combination of ingredients, ranging from coconuts to quinoa. I was surprised to find that this snack is a bit bland, even with all of its items! The coconut does taste good but is barely discernible and therefore does not add much to the overall flavor. It has a good crunch, which I enjoy in granolas. I liked the snack much more when I sprinkled it on top of yogurt because the creaminess balanced out the blandness. In conclusion, this granola can work, but it needs other snacks to accentuate it. 
Overall rating: 3 of 5 stars

Trader Joe's coconut granola on table with bowl and spoon

Will they buy this again?
(B):  I wouldn't buy this again because it didn't contain much taste, which was surprising due to all of the ingredients.
(N): I have enjoyed many granolas much more than this, so I would probably never pick these up again. If I wanted a good breakfast snack, though, I would pick these up in addition to some yogurt. 

Trader Joe's Organic Toasted Coconut Granola: Our brother and sister team are in agreement here with a solid "ok."


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