May 4, 2023

Trader Joe's Dill Pickle Potato Chips Review

Trader Joe's Dill Pickle Potato Chips bag

Trader Joe's Dill Pickle Potato Chips. Actual name: Chips in a Pickle. (Wouldn't you love to be part of the product naming team?)

Trader Joe's Dill Pickle Potato Chips

N & B, our brother and sister reviewers, are putting these chips to the *taste* test today! 

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Trader Joe's Dill Pickle Potato Chips poured in bowl

The description on the back of the bag reads, "Harvested on our supplier's 4th generation potato farm, these dark russet potatoes are sliced, kettle cooked in small batches, and then perfectly seasoned for a tangy, dilly, and crave-able chip. It's bold. It's crisp. It's pickle-y. With every bite, you can treat yourself to the pucker-y taste of dill pickles and the salty crunch of potato chips. And you don't have to dress up a pickle suit."

Trader Joe's Dill Pickle Potato Chips nutrition info

A 6-ounce bag with about 6 servings of Chips in a Pickle will set you back $2.99. 

If you are TeamPickle, give these recipes a try:

Trader Joe's Dill Pickle Potato Chips, chip in hand and in bowl

Trader Joe's Dill Pickle Potato Chips Review

He says (brother N, age 12): This blend of pickle and chip is a sour snack that leaves a good aftertaste. I admit I was reluctant to try these chips at first, but I was delighted to find that pickles and chips go well together. I am not a person who loves pickles, so I found the taste a tad too tangy, but a pickle lover will be ecstatic over this snack. I enjoyed the taste of these chips, but I would rather eat white truffle chips, as mentioned in my previous review
Overall rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

She says (sister B, age 8): This tangy snack is the perfect food for you if you're someone who loves pickles. Yes, you can taste both the vinegar and pickle. And, yes, they are crunchy and do leave an outstanding aftertaste. My only complaint, as someone who doesn't love pickles, is that the flavor was a bit sour. 
Overall rating: 3 of 5 stars

Would they buy them again?
(N): I would not buy these chips again, only because I can find better ones with superior taste and compatibility at Trader Joe's. If you are a pickle lover, though, you will probably love these chips and have them as an essential item in your cart each time you go shopping.
(B): These chips were definitely worth trying. I wouldn't buy them again, though, because they wouldn't come to use as much as chips such as the white truffle potato chips would.                   

Trader Joe's Dill Pickle Potato Chips in green bowl with hand

Trader Joe's Dill Pickle Potato Chips: If you're TeamPickle, gives these a try! If not, maybe reach for a different bag of chips


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