January 30, 2023

Trader Joe's Pizza Sprinkle Seasoning Blend Review

Trader Joe's Pizza Sprinkle Seasoning Blend, jar opened to see spices

It's a different kind of sprinkle than we're used to - PIZZA SPRINKLE! 

Trader Joe's Pizza Sprinkle Seasoning Blend jar with plant in background

Today, we review Trader Joe's Pizza Sprinkle Seasoning Blend! In our store, it's on an endcap with recommended products. Does your store have one of these? We always find something fun there! 

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This spice blend comes in a glass 2.2-ounce jar and costs $2.99. The jar has a shaker top, but it can be easily popped off for measuring with a spoon.

Trader Joe's Pizza Sprinkle Seasoning Blend shaker top
Trader Joe's Pizza Sprinkle Seasoning Blend ingredients

The main ingredient in the blend is...TOMATO POWDER! Interesting! It also contains granulated garlic, paprika, sea salt, coriander, parsley, basil, oregano, etc. 

Trader Joe's Pizza Sprinkle Seasoning Blend on parmesan crisps

Testing a spice blend is challenging since eating it straight out of the jar doesn't seem too appealing. We chose to test it on what our family lovingly refers to as "parmesan crisps." (I'll share the details of how to make them below, but it's basically a flour tortilla topped with parmesan, salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper.) I swapped the salt, pepper, and red pepper for the Trader Joe's Pizza Sprinkle Seasoning Blend. 

Trader Joe's Pizza Sprinkle Seasoning Blend jar in front of plate of food

Trader Joe's Pizza Sprinkle Seasoning Blend Review

He says (Mark): This is a first for me…a spice review, and not an "un-savory" one ;-). Seemed like it had potential but needed more boost in flavor/spice concentration. Of course, I tried this on something besides pizza, so I might be heading toward an unfair low rating. Time for pizza, anyone?

Overall rating: 3 of 5 stars

She says (Bridget): If you want your house to smell like a pizzeria, sprinkle this on...anything! (I wonder what with would be like kneaded INTO pizza dough?) This Pizza Seasoning made our "parmesan crisps" taste delicious - the tomato, garlic*, and oregano really come through. For me, the flavor didn't pop until I added a little salt. I wasn't surprised, as sea salt is the fourth ingredient on the list. I guess I'd prefer it to have no salt OR enough salt not to need anything else. Too much to ask? Knowing that, I'll add salt to whatever it is I'm seasoning with this blend going forward. 

Overall rating: 4 of 5 stars

*Update: Do not under any circumstances eat this before a date or important meeting. The lingering garlic breath is strong with this one. 

Parmesan crisps made with Trader Joe's Pizza Sprinkle Seasoning Blend

Will I buy this again? Now that I see Mark's review...maybe not. Although, I do think a bit of salt would have boosted his star rating. 

Trader Joe's Pizza Sprinkle Seasoning Blend: A solid seasoning that can't decide if it's salty or not.

Parmesan Crisps Recipe

  • flour tortillas
  • olive oil
  • grated parmesan
  • kosher salt
  • freshly ground black pepper*
  • crushed red pepper*

*can sub these for Trader Joe's Pizza Sprinkle Seasoning Blend

Preheat oven to 400. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. I can fit 3-4 tortillas per sheet.

Rub both sides of the tortillas with olive oil. Cover tortillas with grated parmesan. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper. (Or salt + Trader Joe's Pizza Sprinkle Seasoning Blend.) Bake for 10 minutes. Cut into wedges or strips. 

We like these for a snack, a light lunch with a side of fruit or veggies, or alongside a salad. 


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