October 19, 2022

Trader Joe's Pumpkin Rolls Review

Let's continue with pumpkin season

Fall = pumpkin around here. I love that the whole country has gone pumpkin crazy and I can basically find a way to incorporate pumpkin into every meal. 

Today, we review Trader Joe's Pumpkin Rolls. They're in the dairy case and come in one of those "pop open" packages. (What is the name for those??? Scary swirly popping paper tubes?

The rolls go all in on pumpkin. The rolls are pumpkin, and the icing is pumpkin spice.

A can of 5 rolls costs $3.99. 

Trader Joe's Pumpkin Rolls Review

She (Bridget) says: Oh baby. BIG, fluffy, soft cinnamon rolls with a pumpkin-y twist...yes, please! Although these are pumpkin rolls, I think even pumpkin-haters would love them. I really just taste cinnamon here. Maybe these aren't an everyday breakfast, but they're perfect for a lazy weekend morning...or maybe after a sleepover when the kids have kept you up all night. Make one batch for yourself, then one for them. ;)
Overall rating: 5 of 5 stars

He (Jack) says: These are so good. Really. It's the perfect combination of sticky sweetness and substantial flavor. The roll itself holds up better than other rolls of this type that I've had. My only complaint is that the pumpkin flavor could be more prominent; I might not have guessed they were pumpkin just by tasting them.
Overall rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Will I buy these again? Yes! Definitely when company is in town! These will be a fun treat for visiting grandkids or nieces and nephews! 

Trader Joe's Pumpkin Rolls: Treat yourself! 

*portions of this review were originally posted here.

Pumpkin lovers! Here are a few more Trader Joe's PUMPKIN reviews:

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