July 17, 2022

Trader Joe's Cashew Butter Cashews Review

Trader Joe's Cashew Butter Cashews Review

As a fan of Trader Joe's Almond Butter Almonds, buying these cashews was a no-brainer when I saw them. 

Trader Joe's Cashew Butter Cashews are a new item that comes in a similar package to the almond variety. Our store had these stocked on a couple of endcaps. 

Trader Joe's Cashew Butter Cashews Review
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The description on the package reads, "Honey roasted cashews covered in a sweetened cashew butter coating." An  8-ounce bag costs $4.99. 

Trader Joe's Cashew Butter Cashews ingredients

Trader Joe's Cashew Butter Cashews nutrition info

The servings per package are listed as 8. I think you'd be hard-pressed to get 8 servings out of this. More like 4. Unless you're on a road trip, then 2. 

Trader Joe's Cashew Butter Cashews Review

Trader Joe's Cashew Butter Cashews Review

She (Bridget) says: Are these yummy? Yes. Are they AS yummy as the almond butter almonds? Not quite. As with the almond variety, the nut butter coating is thick and tasty. Where the almonds have a nice juxtaposition of crunchy and creamy, these are all creamy. The cashews just don't have that same crunch. Also, maybe I just got a one-off package, but there were lots of little pebble-sized pieces in this bag. 

TJ's, how about we try Hazelnut Butter Hazelnuts...and make it chocolate hazelnut butter? I'm available for testing. 

Overall rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

He (Mark) says: Okay…so I didn't know cashew butter was a thing. How did I not know this? I've been a fan of cashews longer than I can remember. Fancy nuts are a comfort food, especially since my grandparents always had some on hand…cashews were always the best in my mind. I never imagined that salted cashews could get any better. TJ's got it right with the generous coating and just the right amount of sweetness. The cashews that stick together in a cluster are especially awesome. 

Overall rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Would we buy them again? That's a tough call. I would prefer the almond butter almonds, but Mark liked these better. I guess it depends on who does the shopping (me!). 

Trader Joe's Cashew Butter Cashews: Matching 4.5-star ratings! 

Love cashews? Try one of these recipes:


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