June 12, 2022

Trader Joe's Mini Beef Tacos Review

Trader Joe's Mini Beef Tacos Review

We really thought these were a new item at Trader Joe's, but a friend said they've seen them before. In any case, these Mini Beef Tacos are new to us. (They have a chicken version, too.) 

Trader Joe's Mini Beef Tacos Review

You'll find these mini tacos in the freezer case. A 17.5-ounce box costs $5.99. 

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Trader Joe's Mini Beef Tacos nutrition info

Trader Joe's Mini Beef Tacos ingredients

The ingredients are simple without much fluff: corn tortillas, beef, and roasted green salsa. The suggested serving size is 4 tacos for 6 servings per package. 

Trader Joe's Mini Beef Tacos Review

Heating instructions are offered for conventional oven, microwave, and air fryer. We chose to cook them in the oven. NOTE: we're big fans of frozen taquitos, and that's how we cook those. 

Trader Joe's Mini Beef Tacos Review

Trader Joe's Mini Beef Tacos Review

REVIEW (Bridget): While pretty tasty and convenient to have on hand for a snack or a quick meal, I do have a few issues with these mini tacos. ONE. They don't get crispy. I often have to cook Trader Joe's frozen food longer in the oven. I did for these as well, but they did not crisp up. Maybe a spritz of cooking oil before baking would do the trick. TWO. The filling. There could be more - the shells are thick compared to the amount of filling - and the meat tends to get placed to one side. So, one bite has the filling and another bite has just the taco shell. Sometimes, the filling is just pushed alllllllll of the way out of the shell. (See photo below.) THREE. Many of the tacos are stuck together. Like, I could not pry them apart before baking. Once they had baked for a while, I removed them from the oven, separated them, and returned them to the oven. This leads to a longer cooking time. If these issues were addressed, they might replace the frozen taquitos I usually keep on hand. The filling was nicely seasoned, and the shells, while not crispy, were thick and delicious.

Overall rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

Trader Joe's Mini Beef Tacos Review

Trader Joe's Mini Beef Tacos: They're good but need some tweaks! 

Here are some recipes for my fellow taco-lovers:



  1. I am not as positive on those tacos. The ingredients assert that the filling is made out of beef. But I promise you that if someone were to present you this feeling without any explanation and ask you to guess what it was made of, beef would not be in your top 10 guesses. The crispy shells were OK, but that filling is definitely not. I don't understand how anyone could give it more than two stars on their happiest day

  2. I have been buying the Mini Tacos from Trader Joes for a very long time both the beef and chicken. But there has been a change in the filling that is very disappointing. The filing is now less than half a teaspoon per taco. What is this all about. I still have a box left in the freezer trying to figures out what to do with them other than throwing them out and wasting money. I will never buy these products again. Very disappointing !!!!

  3. I have bought the mini tacos from Trader Joes for a long time. Not sure why they changed the filling to less than half a teaspoon per taco. The shells are great and crispy but the filling is a different story. Don't understand what happen

  4. I am not as positive on these tacos as I was before. The crispy shells were OK, but the filling is definitely not. There is less than one half teaspoon per taco. I miss the old tacos and will not buy them again. Very disappointing

  5. I think it's a blessing that there is only 1 tsp of filling. This is the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten. I can force myself to finish eating just about anything except these. 0 stars, never again.

  6. So many of us bought the previous TJ’s mini tacos. NONE of us do anymore. …….the new ones are such a disappointment. Will not buy them again for certain.

  7. I wish there was only a teaspoon of filling. They would’ve been much better. I scooped most of the “meat” out.

  8. I just tried these tonight for the first time and I’m sorry but they are garbage. Don’t waste your money. I threw the rest of the box out. The filling is disgusting and doesn’t even taste like taco. I tried to doctor them up with my own fresh ingredients ( salsa, cilantro, cheese) and they were still just gross. Not worth any amount of money and very misleading how you advertise them.


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