May 29, 2022

Trader Joe's Ube Tea Cookies Review

Trader Joe's Ube Tea Cookies Review

Can we resist a new cookie at Trader Joe's? No. No, we cannot. Today, our he said/she said review is of Trader Joe's Ube Tea Cookies. 

Trader Joe's Ube Tea Cookies Review

These petite cookies are all-butter shortbread made with ube, a purple yam from the Philippines. Each cookie is coated with powdered sugar. 

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Trader Joe's Ube Tea Cookies Review

Trader Joe's Ube Tea Cookies Review

A 10-ounce box of cookies costs $3.99. 

Trader Joe's Ube Tea Cookies Review

He (Mark) says:

These bite-sized treats would indeed be excellent with hot or cold tea.  The suggested serving size of 5 pieces seemed just right.  They are full of flavor and have plenty of flavor.  A pleasant surprise for something so small. 

Overall rating: 4 of 5 stars

She (Bridget) says: These...are not my journey. (As the kids say. Do the kids say that?) Anyhoo, I don't like these. They're sickeningly sweet, maybe to make up for the purple yam flavor? After eating, I was left with a strange aftertaste. Also, the powdered sugar coating gets very slimy. Not my favorite. 

Overall rating: 1 of 5 stars

Trader Joe's Ube Tea Cookies: We're going to agree to disagree on this one. 


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