December 8, 2021

Trader Joe's Peppermint Hold the Cone Review

Helloooooooo, Trader Joe's people! Have you tried the holiday version of Trader Joe's Hold the Cone Mini Ice Cream Cones???

Trader Joe's Peppermint Hold the Cone Review

This holiday version of Hold the Cones is PEPPERMINT with chocolate. You'll get 8 mini cones in each package. How much do they cost? $3.29 a box...that is, IF you can find them!  

The description on the box says that these cones are, "filled with rich peppermint ice cream and chocolatey coating."

Trader Joe's Peppermint Hold the Cone Review

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You'll want to read our other Hold the Cone reviews, too! Really!

Trader Joe's Peppermint Hold the Cone Review

She says (Bridget): Oh yeah. My love for Trader Joe's mini cones continues. I'm not sure which is my favorite...the pumpkin ginger or these peppermint cones. Either way, I'm happy I bought two boxes. (The first one was gone before Mr. E even saw them, oops.) The peppermint ice cream is creamy, the chocolate coating and cone are perfect. I love the finishing touch of the bit of chocolate in the bottom of the cone. One note: I like to let these sit at room temperature for a few minutes before eating...the coating yields easier and the ice cream is creamier.
Overall rating: 5 of 5 stars

He says (Mark): Betcha can't eat just one!  I couldn't.  These couldn't get any better for my taste buds unless they were supersized.  Perfect chocolate shell (doesn't crumble)...perfect cone flavor and crunch (again, doesn't crumble)...and perfectly balanced peppermint ice cream.  I'm glad the ice cream was peppermint-flavored and not full of peppermint candy bits.  The treat is a must-have!
Overall rating: 5 of 5 stars

Will I buy these again? Always and forever

Reviews of Trader Joe's Sweets and Eats: Trader Joe's Mini Peppermint Hold the Cones #traderjoes

Trader Joe's Mini Peppermint Hold the Cones: Buy a box, or three, if you see them in store! 

*portions of those post were originally published here.


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