October 12, 2021

Trader Joe's Cinnamon Bun Spread Review


Trader Joe's Cinnamon Bun Spread Review

Is there any resisting something called Cinnamon Bun Spread? No. No, there is not

Trader Joe's Cinnamon Bun Spread Review

Today, we review Trader Joe's Cinnamon Bun Spread. You'll find this seasonal Trader Joe's offering either near the jams and jellies or highlighted on an endcap. 

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Trader Joe's Cinnamon Bun Spread Review

A 10-ounce jar of Trader Joe's Cinnamon Bun Spread costs $3.49. Described on the jar as a "...rich gooey honey butter spread with cinnamon bun spices." 

Trader Joe's Cinnamon Bun Spread Review

I thought the combination of sweeteners in the spread was interesting: honey comes first in the ingredient list, followed by tapioca syrup and brown sugar. Other ingredients include cream, butter, cinnamon, and vanilla. 

Can't get enough cinnamon roll flavor? Try these recipes:

Trader Joe's Cinnamon Bun Spread Review

He says (Mark): This little jar is packed with goodness. I don’t recall having anything like it. My toast progression since childhood was: butter only, then with cinnamon added, then butter and fruit preserves, and currently, preserves only. This new product from TJ’s almost made me forget what my current favorite is. If you’ve ever craved a cinnamon bun, this should satisfy the craving. Now to try it on a bagel or English muffin. This is a good one, Trader Joe's! 

Overall rating: 5 of 5 stars

She says (Bridget): If you've ever had a hankering for cinnamon rolls but know that you're not about to whip up an entire batch, this Cinnamon Bun Spread is for you! It does taste like the filling of a cinnamon bun! Sticky and sweet, this cinnamon-vanilla spread transforms plain toast into a treat. Imagine it on a biscuit. Oh my! Or...I'm thinking, swirled into ice cream? Oh, the possibilities! This would also be super cute in a "Trader Joe's goodie basket." 

Overall rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Will I buy this again? Probably once a season. It's a perfect little treat, but I can't imagine reaching for it too often. 

Trader Joe's Cinnamon Bun Spread Review

Trader Joe's Cinnamon Bun Spread: Cinnamon bun lovers, rejoice! 


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