August 7, 2021

Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookie Butter BEER Review

Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookie Butter BEER Review

Cookie. Butter. BEER. I stopped dead in my tracks as I was walking past this in Trader Joe's yesterday. 

Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookie Butter BEER Review

Yes, I'm the lady taking photos in the aisles at Trader Joe's. The employees must be thinking, "oh, there's THAT weirdo again." 

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Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookie Butter BEER Review

Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookie Butter Beer comes in a fairly large bottle, clocking in at 500ml or 1 pint, .9 ounces. It costs is $5.99 per bottle. The alcohol content is 9.5% which classifies it as a "strong beer." For comparison, a classic Guinness is 4.2%.  

Brewed in Virginia by the Hardywood Park Craft Brewery, Trader Joe's Cookie Butter Beer is described as an "Imperial golden ale with toasted coconut, vanilla beans, and other natural flavors." (Note that we served it in the wrong type of glass. Oops!)

Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookie Butter BEER Review

Before we get into the review, let's talk about cookie butter itself. Cookie butter is a spreadable treat with the consistency of peanut butter but made from and inspired by Speculoos cookies. If you've ever had a Biscoff cookie on an airplane, you know the flavor. The cookies are toasty and crunchy with warm flavors like cinnamon and clove. They're delicious. 

Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookie Butter Beer Review

She says (Bridget): Right off the bat, I was struck by just how intoxicating this smells! Warm and inviting - like the best of autumn, and just like Cookie Butter. The beer is a beautiful gold color and full of flavor. I first got a strong hit of coconut, which is interesting since I don't think cookie butter has coconut in it. Overall, the taste is of butterscotch and spice. I imagine this would be a hit at The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade. For a golden ale, it does drink a bit heavy. Since my Trader Joe's didn't have cookie butter in stock, I paired it with some almond butter almonds. It might be really nice with cookie butter-slathered graham crackers. The beer is a novelty that any cookie butter-lover has to try at least once, but I wouldn't plan on drinking this at a cookout or after mowing the lawn. 

Overall rating: 3 of 5 stars

He said (Mark): I took a deep draw of the scent before my first sip. It smelled like a candle that the Mrs. would like. I’m not sure how many sweet treats I could pair with this, but I'm willing to try. This sweet-tooth, beer lover is up for the challenge. While distinctly sweet and not your everyday beer, this ale is much better than fruity or other flavors that show up in the Fall. I wouldn’t bring this to a buddy's house to watch a game, but I would consider offering it up with dessert instead of or in addition to wine. 

Overall rating: 4 of 5 stars

Would I buy it again? Only for the novelty. 

Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookie Butter BEER Review

Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookie Butter Beer: You have to try it at least once. 

Hey, Trader Joe's...we REALLY like the Cookie Butter CANDLE idea! 

Here are some cookie butter recipes you might love to try or pair with this beer:


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