July 8, 2021

Trader Joe's Lamb Vindaloo Review

Trader Joe's Lamb Vindaloo Review

I'm not sure whether I spend more money on Trader Joe's treats or in the frozen section. It's a toss-up, for sure. Also, when I purchase frozen meals, I'm always curious as to what they REALLY look like, as packages can be deceiving. Keep reading for a photo of the cooked dish.  

Today's review is of Trader Joe's Lamb Vindaloo. It's one of many Indian dishes that TJ's has to offer in the store's frozen section. Interestingly, the name vindaloo comes from a mispronunciation of a Portuguese dish. You can read more about the history of vindaloo on Saveur

Trader Joe's Lamb Vindaloo nutrition facts and review

Described as "lamb in a spicy curry sauce with basmati rice," this frozen meal costs $4.49. This is a single serving coming in at 390 calories. 

Trader Joe's Lamb Vindaloo Review

Trader Joe's Lamb Vindaloo Review

REVIEW (Bridget): Out of alllllll of the items I've purchased from Trader Joe's, their Lamb Vindaloo is definitely in my all-time Top 5. I always keep a few of these stocked in my freezer and probably eat at least one per week. The lamb is exquisitely tender. The sauce is rich and spicy without being hot. The basmati rice is well-seasoned and the perfect amount alongside the lamb and sauce. I typically serve it with a side of sliced cucumber...or if I'm really feeling fancy, some naan.

Overall rating: 5 of 5 stars

Trader Joe's Lamb Vindaloo Review

Trader Joe's Lamb Vindaloo: Stock up! 

Bowl: Pioneer Woman 

Plate: Williams-Sonoma Brasserie

Do you have a favorite Trader Joe's frozen meal? We'd love to hear! 



  1. You are not wrong it is absolutely delish - I have it with a couple of chips 🤣 I’m an English woman living in the USA that grew up on Indian food, it’s good.

  2. I finally tried this. It was SOOO spicy that I had to throw it in the garbage. I like spicy foods, but this was over the top. Sorry.

  3. I have been eating Indian food all my life and though the flavor is good this one is bit too “ hot”


    1. I’ll be brief. I recently tried both TJ Indian dinners (Fiery Chicken Curry and Lamb Vindaloo) within a week of each other, so my impressions are fresh. I’m no stranger to these dishes, having purchased them from TJ’s for several years and have always enjoyed them. However, this week’s experience was a surprise—the spice level has noticeably increased. Like turned up to 20 on the heat scale. As someone who loves spicy food, even I find it over the top. There’s a fine line between enjoyable heat and overpowering flavor, and sadly, these dishes now fall into the latter category. It seems a misguided attempt to satisfy complaints about the previous spice level. From reading comments, numerous customers have voiced similar concerns, and unless there’s a change, I honestly don’t think they’ll be purchasing those 2 much longer. I know I won’t. Plus, I think TJ needs to clearly indicate any spice adjustments on the packaging to manage expectations. Otherwise, sales may suffer. Well, that wasn’t as brief as I’d hoped.

  4. This Lamb Vindaloo is very good but over the top HOT! It so spicy it makes my nose run. I have to drink milk with it, but as soon as I swallow the milk the burning continues! I have to give up and throw it away. C'mon Trader Joes, turn it down a notch or offer a mild version because it is very good!


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