June 26, 2021

Trader Joe's Coffee Bean Mini Hold the Cone Ice Cream Cones Review

Trader Joe's Coffee Bean Mini Hold the Cone Ice Cream Cones review

In general, we're fans of Trader Joe's Mini Hold the Cone Ice Cream Cones. Expect to see reviews of other flavors coming soon!

Trader Joe's Coffee Bean Mini Hold the Cone Ice Cream Cones review

On my weekly Trader Joe's run, I spied Coffee Bean Mini Hold the Cone Ice Cream Cones! We needed to try this version.

Trader Joe's Coffee Bean Mini Hold the Cone Ice Cream Cones review

A box of Trader Joe's Coffee Bean Hold the Cones runs $3.49. You'll find 8 mini cones in each box. 

We generally love coffee desserts: see chocolate coffee cheesecake, cappuccino cut-out cookies, coffee turtle ice cream pie, frosted hazelnut cappuccino bars, Kahlua coffee ice cream dream cake, espresso chip biscotti, dark chocolate espresso trail mix brownies, just to name a few of our favorites. So, going into the review, the cones have a bit of a flavor advantage. 

Trader Joe's Coffee Bean Mini Hold the Cone Ice Cream Cones review

Let's review Trader Joe's Coffee Bean Mini Hold the Cone Ice Cream Cones!

Trader Joe's Coffee Bean Mini Hold the Cone Ice Cream Cones review

She (Bridget) says: These are the perfect little "ender" to any meal. Strong coffee flavor is packed into a creamy ice cream. The dark chocolate cone is crunchy and satisfying, while the chocolate coating is just the right thickness - not too thick, not too thin. As a bonus, the bottom of the cone is filled with a bit of that chocolate coating. My tip: let these sit at room temperature for 5 minutes before eating. The chocolate coating is softer, and the ice cream is creamier. I'm heading back to TJ's to stock up on these ASAP.

Overall rating: 5 of 5 stars

He (Mark) says: This frozen delight makes my tastebuds sing! I’ve been a huge fan of anything sweet with a coffee/java/mocha flavor since before I ever tasted a cup of coffee. The cone had the perfect crunch, the chocolate coating was just right, and the ice cream itself was bold without being too much in the flavor department. Get some before I go back to TJ’s and buy them out!!!

Overall rating: 5 of 5 stars

Will we buy them again? Oh, you betcha! 

Trader Joe's Coffee Bean Mini Hold the Cone Ice Cream Cones: Um, yeah. We kinda love them.

Trader Joe's Coffee Bean Mini Hold the Cone Ice Cream Cones review

*portions of this post were originally posted here.


1 comment

  1. Cannot understand why it’s only available for a short time in the Summer. Should be available year round. A frozen treat that’s only available for a month in the summer makes no sense. By far my favorite taste treat. Disappointed with T J’ s product buyers.


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